CGW News & Events

Upcoming Events - More Information Coming Soon!

CGW At-Home

Are you missing out on getting together with your sewing peeps? CGW At-Home offers three opportunities to “chat” with your sewing friends at CGW.

Zoom Sewing Circles

These offer the chance to work on your own project, get advice or opinions, or just visit with costuming friends. It’s okay to drop-in or drop-out at any time during the event, so you don’t have to worry if you’re late or if you only have a little bit of time. Be prepared to mute yourself if you are using your machine or hammering in grommets!

If the circle is large enough, when you enter, you may be invited to join a breakout room. The breakout rooms can be used for political discussions, which aren’t appropriate for the larger space, or for the chance to gather in a smaller group if the main room gets too crowded.

You can find the Zoom links in the CGW Forum events that are set up each week. Please don’t share our Meeting IDs or Passwords anywhere. We don’t want Zoom Bombers.

CGW Wednesday Evening Sewing Circle Zoom
Wednesdays from 7pm – 9pm Pacific Time
Hosted by CGW

CGW Friday Morning Sewing Circle Zoom
Fridays from 10am – 1pm Pacific Time
Hosted by Christienne Clark Palmieri

CGW Saturday Afternoon Sewing Circle Zoom
Saturdays from 12pm – 6pm Pacific Time
Hosted by Tammy Horn

Check our Community Calendar for the specific dates.

The CGW Facebook Forum

In addition to updates on CGW events, the CGW Facebook forum also shares announcements of online costume events held by other groups. We’ve learned about some great online lectures and workshops from the National Arts Club, FIDM Fashion Institute, Costume On, Burley & Trowbridge, and several museums. 

How to get into a Zoom meeting

Go to to download the app or use the online interface, and set up your account ahead of time.

  • When it's time to join the circle, open the app or sign in online.
  • Click on “Join Zoom Meeting,” and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode.
  • Select "Join with video."
  • When you get into the meeting, move your mouse to the bottom part of your screen to make the menu come up.
  • Select "Join with Audio" and "Join with computer audio” in the lower left corner.

If you forget the Meeting ID or Passcode, you can get them on the CGW Forum events that are set up each week.


How to join the CGW Facebook Forum

In Facebook, go to or search for Costumers Guild West (CGW) Forum. Request membership and answer all three of the Membership Questions. At this time, we are only accepting current CGW members in the CGW Forum. There are some legacy members in the group, too.

Your access request should take less than a day to be approved.